Flavoured Teas

  • Oolong Châtaigne
    € 6.60

    Oolong Châtaigne

    "For chestnuts, it is best to take them in an infusion"; (Extract from the Chevalier- Dragon survival manual.)

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

  • Sur le gril
    € 6.90

    Sur le gril

    Roasted hazelnuts, rice and sesame seeds

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

  • Milky Oolong
    € 14.30

    Milky Oolong

    Milky Oolong is a surprising semi-oxidized tea steamed over milk. This milky touch complements the woody notes of the oolong.

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

  • Le Thé du Mandarin
    € 7.40

    Le Thé du Mandarin

    Light oolong with sweet orange flavours sprinkled with orange blossom offering a beautifully subtle cup.

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

  • Pu Erh Bourbon
    € 8.30

    Pu Erh Bourbon

    A Pu Erh tea with woody and earthy notes enhanced by rich notes of vanilla.

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

  • Foi de Dragon
    € 6.50

    Foi de Dragon

    Pu Erh, grapefruit, carrot, mint and turmeric. An exclusive remedy.

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

  • Les lendemains qui Chantent
    € 6.60

    Les lendemains qui Chantent

    A dense liquor with flavours of sweet and intense citrus fruit, ideal for (overly) festive occasions.

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

  • Pu Erh Chaï
    € 7.10

    Pu Erh Chaï

    A dark and spicy liquor with dominant flavours of cinnamon ; ideal with dessert or cheese.

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

  • Pu Erh Jasmine
    € 10.70

    Pu Erh Jasmine

    Pu erh with light but persistent floral notes.

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

  • Le Banquet
    € 6.50

    Le Banquet

    Pu Erh, Morello cherry, quince, marshmallow – an alliance of pleasure and common sense.

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

  • Pu Erh Happy End
    € 7.00

    Pu Erh Happy End

    A fresh, fruity pu erh to accompany the end of your meal without any consequences. (orange, maracuja, mango.)

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

  • Le Réveil du Dragon
    € 5.50

    Le Réveil du Dragon

    An energising blend of black Ceylon tea with dominant notes of nectarine and bergamot with mate. To help you face all your challenges!

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    The site is currently closed for the summer holidays. It will reopen on 21 August for the next shipment on 28 August. The whole team wishes you a pleasant holiday and hope to see you soon!

Bienvenue sur le site de La Septième Tasse ! Vous êtes au bon endroit pour découvrir notre collection de thés parfumés. Nous misons sur la qualité, des saveurs et des arômes exquis où chaque tasse raconte une histoire unique. Que vous soyez à la recherche de notes florales, fruitées ou plutôt épicées, notre sélection de thés parfumés saura (r)éveiller vos sens et vous transporter vers de nouveaux horizons gustatifs. Bon voyage !
1. Le thé Pu Erh parfumé offre des arômes riches mêlés aux parfums envoûtants des fleurs et des fruits. Un délice sensoriel et une expérience gustative à découvrir absolument.
2. Explorez les mélanges élégants et sophistiqués du thé noir parfumé et laissez-vous séduire par leurs saveurs et arômes uniques.
3. Le thé Oolong parfumé est une boisson délicate aux arômes subtils et raffinés. Un merveilleux équilibre gustatif à découvrir sans tarder.
4. Les notes délicates et harmonieuses de nos thés blancs et jaunes parfumés raviront les palais raffinés, tout en douceur et en finesse.
5. Le thé vert parfumé est une boisson rafraîchissante et vivifiante aux arômes végétaux et fruités. Chaque gorgée vous emmènera un peu plus vers des horizons exotiques et ensoleillés.

Displaying 1 to 12 (of 101 products)

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