Superior Senchas

Preparing superior kabuse and gyokuro senchas

kabuse and gyokuro

People often talk of the tea ceremony (Cha No Yu) when discussing Japanese teas. But we mustn’t forget that matcha (ground tea) is not the tea most frequently consumed by the Japanese.

On an everyday basis, they consume bancha and sencha teas – generally lower grade ones.
To prepare these teas, the Japanese add a small quantity of tea to the teapot and re-infuse it several times.

For kabuse and gyokuro quality teas, they use a very small teapot in which they prepare a highly concentrated tea – the equivalent of drinking coffee from small mocha cups.

superior senchas

Steps to follow

scald the teapot

Heat the water, scald the teapot and the bowls, then empty them.

cool the tea

Pour the water into the cooler until you obtain a temperature of 50 degrees.

amount of gyokuro

Take the necessary amount of gyokuro; about 1/3 of the volume of tea for 2/3 of water. (1/5 to 1/4 of tea for sencha).

brewing gyokuro and sencha

Pour the water at 50° (gyokuro) or 60° to 70° (sencha) over the tea and leave to infuse for 2 minutes.

tea tasting

Pour a little tea in each cup and repeat until the teapot is empty.

Step 6

Carry on until you've emptied the last drop. This will allow you to carry out more infusions (at 30 seconds).

complements for superior senchas

Eat something sweet, (fruit paste, a date etc.) nd… taste…